• Cerdas Berkarakter Pancasila


There is an unquenchable desire and longing in every person to pursue what should be, the highest and best possibility for self-development.

For those who have studied and are still studying at SMAS St. Klaus Werang, hopefully will not forget the series of stories and how the actions and track record of this institution have been in the process of shaping the human individual. In the midst of major changes in today's society which have led to a situation which in many aspects is very different from before, economic and technological progress has given birth to consumerism, a crisis of confidence in education, the loss of education's influence on the world. These changes then resulted in direct consequences, namely a crisis of confidence in education. There are those who believe that education is no longer an influential value for everyone.

There are various phenomena that emerge which then confirm the loss of trust and give a negative stigma to Indonesian education, namely moral degradation. This phenomenon of moral degradation is seen in smoking, truancy, cheating, drugs, free sex, bullying, discrimination and a number of other negative phenomena. These phenomena are widely practiced by students who are actually educated people. These phenomena then emphasize the question of quo vadis education? In fact, the media world has recently been busy talking about and presenting a picture of the moral degradation of the nation's children which is increasingly far from the value of education itself (Kompas.id, accessed on 29 September 20223). A number of reports that shock our conscience make us "rub our chests". Heartbreaking. As well as slapping the face of the Indonesian people. This is a phenomenon that no one should take lightly, and requires honesty, awareness and seriousness from all parties in overcoming moral turbulence like this, in various ways, especially through education.

In the midst of a crisis and various phenomena of misunderstanding or moral degradation among students, SMAS St. Klaus Werang is still standing strong and transcending education it self. SMAS St. Klaus Werang always provides the right understanding of the realities of life. In the midst of education in Indonesia which is filled with myths, namely understanding wrong the reality of life is that children compete to enter science or natural science majors, even though they have no interest, let alone talent, in that field. Of course, education in the natural sciences is very important. But, obviously, that kind of education enough, because life is far away richer  and complicated, than just natural mathematical facts that are the subject of study in the natural sciences (Rezza Watimena, 2021). On the other hand, education needs to provide enough opportunities to various other areas of life that are also very important, starting with art to with sports education. Science is a very wide and rich world. Everything is necessary introduced (not mastered!) to students, then they can choose, what field is their calling in life. This is the desire and longing always built by the educational institution SMAS St.  Klaus Werang. Apart from emphasizing freedom, SMAS St. Klaus Werang clause contains two important variables, namely: First is a humanistic and universal worldview. At this institution, students are taught about self-awareness as humans, as well as a worldview that gives birth to open, tolerant and democratic attitudes.

Second,is that students are taught about their true identity as creatures of the universe and God's creation. Students are taught to postpone all social status, and see themselves as they are as part of the universe and God's special creation. This education will destroy all forms of closed and radical attitudes. Only with this can misguided education be transcended.


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Weto, Selasa, 20 Agustus 2024-Siswa-siswi  SMAS St. Klaus Werang, menjadi saksi atas perayaan yang tidak hanya membingkai perjalanan seorang imam, tetapi juga menggambarkan harmoni

21/08/2024 12:37 - Oleh Administrator - Dilihat 135 kali